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Eve Plumb

Eve Plumb

Marcia, Marcia, Marcia!

Those were probably Eve Plumb’s most famous words and I’m sure the words she hates the most. Eve Aline Plumb was born on April 29, 1959 in Burbank, California. She began her acting career at the age of five by appearing in a Mattel commercial for Chatty Cathy dolls. She also appeared on The Big Valley and Family Affair before landing her role as Jan Brady on The Brady Bunch.

Jan Brady Quotes

Please feel free to comment with other great Jan quotes. I would love to add them.

Pathetic Jan Bradyisms

Eve Plumb Trivia


Eve was probably the most successful actress to come out of The Brady Bunch kids. She acted quite a bit after The Brady Bunch ended and is still doing so as of this writing [August 2018]. Eve has been a painter for over 20 years now and has had some success with galleries across the country carrying her work.

There are rumors that Eve Plumb and Maureen McCormick (Marcia Brady) had a lesbian love affair. I don’t believe that for a moment. Perhaps Maureen imagined that in one of her coke induced states or maybe she made it up to get some much needed attention in her older years. I don’t know. Even if it was true and they experimented, why should Maureen talk about it?

Eve Plumb played a clumsy, clueless, no-talented kind of misfit middle child on The Brady Bunch. She appears to have grown up to be a class act. Kudos to Eve Plumb.

Eve, Eve, Eve!


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