ZTAMS Teen Pinups Rock Magazines

ZTAMS Teen Pinups & Rock Magazines

The Outsiders

The Outsiders

When I stepped out into the bright sunlight, from the darkness of the movie house, I had only two things on my mind: Paul Newman, and a ride home. The Outsiders was a movie released in 1983 that starred a bunch of hot guys. The movie was based on the novel of the same name that many (not me) read in middle school. It’s kind of a West Side Story in that there are two gangs who fight a lot over stupid stuff. The Greasers are the poor kids and The Socs are the rich snobs. They fight, a Socs is killed, Ponyboy and Johnny hide, Johnny saves some kids in a burning building, Johnny dies, Dallas dies. The end. I may have left out a FEW parts, but that’s basically the story.

The Cast


There was a short-lived television series in 1990 which picked up where the movie left off. The TV show starred Jay Ferguson, Rodney Harvey, Boyd Kestner, Harold Pruett, and David Arquette (his first role). It lasted only 13 episodes.

Outsiders Movie Trivia

Other Fun Trivia

Stay Gold

I love the song at the end of the movie as the credits roll. Stay Gold by Stevie Wonder is one of my most favorite songs of all time.

Seize upon that moment long ago
One breath away and there you will be
So young and carefree
Again you will see
That place in time…so gold

Steal away into that way back when
You thought that all would last forever
But like the weather
Nothing can ever…and be in time
Stay gold

When I stepped out into the bright sunlight, from the darkness of the movie house, I had only two things on my mind: Paul Newman, and a ride home.


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