ZTAMS Teen Pinups Rock Magazines

ZTAMS Teen Pinups & Rock Magazines


I love Full House. I watch it pretty much every day. (I’m watching it right now as I type.) My favorite seasons were where Michelle Tanner had a lot of dialogue. I thought she was the best character on that show. Michelle was played by twin toddlers Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen.

The girls were born on June 13, 1986 in Sherman Oaks, California. Six months later they had landed a contract for Full House. Wow. How dare they take the first six months of their life to get acclimated to their new surroundings. Bums.

Full House ran for eight seasons and the girls became a huge hit. They went on to star in a few other sitcoms, but none reached the level of success that Full House did. The girls made tons off of merchandise. There was Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen everything for a few years there. They had videos, books, clothes, butt plugs, and more. The girls have made a lot of money and are worth millions. In 2007, Forbes ranked them as the 11th richest women in entertainment and estimated their worth at $300 million. Awesome.




I saw the girls on, I think, The Rosie O’Donnell Show way back when. I was impressed with them then and I think they were only about 13 at the time. They were on Ellen when they were adults and I was very impressed with them again. They’ve had their problems here and there (flopped movie, college, boyfriends, anorexia, etc.) but I think they’ve handle things quite gracefully. Their entire life, with the exception of the first six months, has been in the spotlight. I think they’re great women with an incredible future ahead of them.

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