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Eddie Murphy

Eddie Murphy

Have you all checked out the show Whiskey Cavalier? It stars Scott Foley and I think it’s a great show. It’s only been on one season and I just read that it’s been canceled. I don’t get it. It’s a great show. Maybe Netflix will pick it up. Anyway, one of the characters on the show reminds me of Eddie Murphy. He has the same comedic feel about him. His name is Tyler James Williams and he’s going places. I like him. But I digress…..this blog is about Eddie Murphy.

Edward Regan Murphy was born in Brooklyn, New York on April 3, 1961. His childhood was not funny which is probably why Murphy turned out so funny. He used humor as a defense mechanism to get through all the bad things. His parents split up very early in his life. When mom became sick, he and his older brother were sent to live in foster care.


I first came to know about Eddie Murphy while watching Saturday Night Live. I’m sure that’s how many people became aware of him. I thought he was hilarious on there. I think my favorite skit was of Buckwheat singing Lionel Richie hits. “Unce, Tice, Fee Times a Mady…..”

After SNL, Murphy hit it big in the movies with Nick Nolte in 48 Hours. I liked that movie, but I really enjoyed the movie that followed, Trading Places. He continued to be a huge star with great movies. One of my all-time favorite movies (just behind Back To The Future and Home Alone) is Beverly Hills Cop. Eddie Murphy (along with a few others) improvised many of their lines. Hundreds of takes were ruined by people laughing during the shooting. How fun that must have been. Can you imagine coming to work and just laughing the whole time?



Eddie claims to be a singer and he probably has ability, but I can’t take someone seriously who is that funny. I just want to laugh. He did have a hit in 1985 with Party All the Time. It reached #2 on the Billboard Hot 100.

I’m a fan of Eddie Murphy. I think he was probably a bit of a jerk when he first hit it big. As long as he learned and is now a nice guy, I’m cool with that. It’s been announced that a Beverly Hills Cop 4 is coming out. I’m looking forward to it. Go Axel!


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